
2019-07-31 19:50 环球时报GlobalTimes微信公众号



连基本的Fact Check都不会……

周日,俄罗斯记者VladimirKara-Murza 在长期患病后去世。与他同名同姓的儿子小Vladimir Kara-Murza ,恰巧也是一位知名记者,在网上宣布了父亲的死讯。

Condolences poured in following the death of Vladimir Kara-Murza, a prominent Russian historian and TV journalist, who passed away on Sunday at the age of 59. His son, Vladimir Kara-Murza Jr., 37, announced his father’s passing on social media, without providing any details on the cause of death.

俄罗斯著名历史学家、电视记者Vladimir Kara-Murza在周日去世,享年59岁。人们纷纷吊唁。 他的儿子, 37岁的小Vladimir Kara-Murza 在社交媒体上宣布了他父亲的死讯。 但是没有提供有关死因的任何细节。

While the two men do have the same first and last names and have strikingly similar features (they are father and son, after all), it was Kara-Murza Jr. who broke the news, which should have left little room for misinterpretation.

父亲和儿子的名字完全相同,体貌特征类似(毕竟他们是父亲和儿子)。因为这个消息是由小 Vladimir Kara-Murza发布的,应该不会引起什么误解。

Via RT


在写Vladimir Kara-Murza死讯的报道时,把图片配成了死者的儿子。

华盛顿时报配图中的小Vladimir Kara-Murza

老Vladimir Kara-Murza Via facebook.com / kovanovsky

这对父子长得真的不是一点点像 ……这篇报道引发了大量反对特朗普的保守派人士的转载。

比如CNN的共和党政治评论员Ana Navarro-Cárdenas回击道:

Another Putin critic meets an untimely death under suspicious circumstances. This is a huge loss for pro-democracy efforts. Kara-Murza was an inspiration to many around the world.


Has Trump commented on this yet, or is he still busy attacking Baltimore?

特朗普对Kara-Murza的去世作出评价了吗? 还是他只顾着批评巴尔的摩?

Via Twitter

“Another Putin critic meets an untimely death under suspicious circumstances. This is a huge loss for pro-democracy efforts.” While nothing in the original statement seems to suggest foul play, it appears that Cardenas mistook Kara-Murza Sr. for his son, who has been hospitalized with suspected, but never proven, poisoning before.

“又一位普京批评者因为可疑原因过早地死亡。对于民主进程来说,这是一个巨大的损失。”虽然在她的表述中没有暗示谋杀,但似乎 Cardenas以为去世的是Kara-Murza的儿子。 他的儿子曾因为被怀疑下毒,而接受住院治疗。

Via RT

政治评论员Fernand Amandi在悼念这个俄罗斯记者时也犯了相同的错误,把爸爸认成了儿子。

Sad, horrible news for lovers of freedom & democracy.


Prominent Putin & Kremlin critic Vladimir Kara-Murza dies suddenly of illness in Moscow.

出色的普京、俄罗斯异见人士Vladimir Kara-Murza突然在俄罗斯因病暴毙。

Kara-Murza was a familiar face on Western news channels & was a pallbearer at John McCain’s funeral.


Via Twitter


While many have since pointed out to both Navarro-Cárdenas and Armandi that they had bid farewell to the wrong person, only Armandi published a correction, blaming the Times for leaving him red-faced.


Yikes! Thanks for clarifying Natasha & relieved to hear

@vkaramurza Jr’s voice is still with us, but my condolences on the passing of his also heroic Putin critic father, nonetheless.

谢谢Natasha的指正,我很高兴小Vladimir Kara-Murza还活着。 尽管如此,我对他的父亲,同样英勇的普京批评者的逝世表示哀悼。

Do better@WashTimes!


Via Twitter


罗伯特·唐尼(Robert Downey Sr.)就是演员小罗伯特·唐尼的父亲。




Having the exact same name as my grandfather and father it is a little spooky seeing your name in the obituaries. Digging into my paternal family history I saw a lot of death notices with my name on them as it is one of two names that are common in my family. It was REALLY spooking going to my Dad's funeral and seeing your name up in the funeral home.




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