
2019-08-20 18:58 环球时报英文版



不过,当地时间上周五,75名搭乘西空航空(SkyWest Airlines)3596航班的乘客,一同被赶下飞机,真叫气人。

当天,23岁的休斯敦大学学生Ayomide Isola和他的妈妈、姐姐、以及他21岁的弟弟Tayo,一同搭乘一班西空航空的航班,从底特律飞往休斯敦。

Tayo是个自闭症患者,他不太能说话,无法自我表达(nonverbal and unable to express himself)。因此,搭乘飞机需要亲人陪伴在侧 。不过,Isola一家人当天的座位却都被分散安排了。好在,当时有好心的乘客愿意和他们换座位。没想到却被空乘要求和Isola一家一同下飞机,最后,事件还升级到全飞机的乘客都被赶下飞机

Ayo Isola(右)和弟弟Tayo图 via Ayo Isola

Once they boarded the plane, a woman quickly volunteered to switch seats with Tayo so he could be near his sister during the more than two-hour flight.


"My brother has to sit with one of our family members he is comfortable with," Isola told NBC News on Monday.


A flight attendant became outraged and approached Tayo to tell him he needed to return to his assigned seat, Isola said. But his brother could not oblige because he does not respond to verbal cues.


Isola said he and his family explained to the flight attendant that Tayo is special needs and "that this small accommodation would be necessary." But she would not relent, he said, and instead, brought in a gate supervisor who sided with the family.


"The supervisor was like, 'That happens all the time,'" Isola said. "She was confused as to why the flight attendant was making such a big deal about it."


▲Airline crew allegedly refused to accommodate traveler with autism. Now, they've been grounded.(via NBC News)




不过,机场安全部门却告知这名飞行员,不存在安全问题,要求他们返回飞机。而机长和他的机组人员却拒绝登机 ,而是径直走出了航站楼。


随后,Isola在脸书上发长文分享了他们一家、以及整个航班乘客受到的待遇,并解释为什么他要曝光这家航空公司机组人员的行为。因为他认为“今天人们仍存在无知、偏执和明目张胆的歧视 ”。

图 via Facebook

I'm posting this story to highlight the ignorance, bigotry, and blatant discrimination that unfortunately exists in people today. It is not right to treat people with special needs as if they are unworthy of your time or effort. Especially when a simple accommodation or a tiny bit of compassion can be the difference between them being successful or unsuccessful in life.


They are people first, defined by all of their abilities and not condemned by their disabilities. Respect is all I am asking for here.


▲via Facebook


@Kayola Blackstone

This is RIDICULOUS!!! And discriminatory! Please continue to press this issue!!Americans with Disabilities Act, Autism Speaks, Autism Awareness, ACLU, NAACP and anyone else who will listen. That is totally unacceptable, and unprofessional behavior.


@Doreen Doyin Phillips

This is truly sad. Most airlines will help ensure this doesn’t happen when they are aware upon check-in. Some websites even have options for you to designate you are traveling with someone with special needs when purchasing tickets.


@Lori Scott

I hope you called the news and get an attorney. Atrocious behavior from the whole crew!! Sickening and unprofessional. Unbelievable the amount of education and disability etiquette airline staff need to be taught. Common courtesy and sensitivity is not that common!


▲via Facebook


SkyWest acknowledged the flight experienced a delay in boarding "as a result of an issue regarding customer seat assignments," and said it was investigating the incident. According to a spokeswoman, the crew was initially unaware of the traveler’s disability.


"We are committed to providing exceptional onboard service to all of our customers," the spokeswoman said.


▲Airline crew allegedly refused to accommodate traveler with autism. Now, they've been grounded.(via NBC News)


Isola said he doesn't believe the crew should be allowed to fly any longer. If they are, the airline should require they undergo sensitivity training, he said.


"There’s a certain sensitivity level, compassion level you need to have to fly with travelers who have disabilities," Isola said. "And if you can’t do that, then you shouldn’t be in this business."


▲Airline crew allegedly refused to accommodate traveler with autism. Now, they've been grounded.(via NBC News)

目前,包括机长在内的所有机组人员,已经被停飞 ,等待航空公司对这起事件的调查。


整合:Du Qiongfang

资料:NBC News, Twitter

图:Ayo Isola, Facebook


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