
2019-04-21 18:35 环球时报英文版



(Via Daily Mail)


英国情报机构政府通讯总部(GCHQ)下属的国家网络安全中心( National Cyber Security Centre)最近就对英国的网民发出了红色警告,提醒他们赶紧升级自己的网络安全设置,原因是,该机构研究发现全球有2300万被攻击破解的账号密码是简单的数字组合“123456”。

A survey by National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) – part of spy agency GCHQ – found nearly one in two people expect to have money stolen from them online by 2021.


It also revealed that only 15 percent of British internet users say they know a great deal about protecting themselves online.、


The findings come ahead of a major CyberUK 2019 conference in Glasgow this week, organised by the NCSC. The research also included a list of the most commonly breached passwords.

由NCSC组织的CyberUK 2019会议本周将在格拉斯哥举行。这些发现提前在这个会议之前发布。这个研究还列举了一系列最经常被破解的密码。

It showed the log-on ‘123456’ was hacked over 23 million times worldwide and ‘123456789’ almost eight million times. Other log-on that were regularly compromised included ‘qwerty’ – the series of letters which appear in a line on a computer keyboard – as well as just ‘password’ and even ‘1111111’.


▲Fraudsters crack 23 MILLION passwords – because they are all 123456! Red alert as Britons are warned not to leave themselves wide open to cyber crime (via Daily Mail)

(Via Daily Mail)


The most common name to be used in passwords was Ashley, followed by Michael, Daniel, Jessica and Charlie.

最常被用来设置成密码的人名包括Ashley, Michael, Daniel, Jessica和Charlie。

When it comes to Premier League football teams in guessable passwords, Liverpool are champions and Chelsea are second. Blink-182 topped the charts of music acts.


▲Millions using 123456 as password, security study finds (via BBC)

以英超联赛球队名设置的密码中,利物浦最常被用来当作密码 (Via BBC)

因此,NCSC的技术总监Ian Levy博士敦促网友加强他们的登录密码,并且给了一些设置密码的建议。

He said: ‘We understand that cyber security can feel daunting to a lot of people but the NCSC has published lots of easily applicable advice to make you much less vulnerable.


‘Password re-use is a major risk that can be avoided – nobody should protect sensitive data with something that can be guessed, like their first name, local football team or favourite band. Using hard-to-guess passwords is a strong first step and we recommend combining three random but memorable words.


‘Be creative and use words memorable to you, so people can’t guess your password.’


▲Fraudsters crack 23 MILLION passwords – because they are all 123456! Red alert as Britons are warned not to leave themselves wide open to cyber crime (via Daily Mail)



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