
2019-08-25 13:17 环球时报GlobalTimes


据巴西卫星数据显示,目前从太空可以看到的大火正在以每分钟三个足球场 的速度烧毁亚马逊雨林(burning up the Amazon rainforest at a rate of three football fields per minute ▲via RT)。

图 via RT

巴西国家空间研究所报告称,亚马逊雨林今年的火灾次数创纪录地超过了7.2万起,比去年增加了83%,仅上周就发生9000起(an 83 percent increase in wildfires on last year, with more than 72,000 fires spotted, 9,000 last week alone ▲via RT)。

当森林正在被烧毁,世界各地的抗议者聚集在巴西大使馆外,要求巴西总统博尔索纳罗(Jair Bolsonaro)对大火采取更有力的行动。

The demonstrators, many affiliated with eco-warriors Extinction Rebellion, blame Bolsonaro’s pro-logging, pro-mining development policies for the fires, and accuse him of condoning the deliberate razing of forest for grassland.


▲Wildfires scorch Africa but world’s media stay focused on Brazil’s blazes(via RT)

不过,与此同时,比亚马逊雨林火情更严峻 的大火,正在非洲的安哥拉和刚果民主共和国(刚果(金))蔓延。

Weather Source has recorded 6,902 fires in Angola over the past 48 hours, compared to 3,395 in the Democratic Republic of Congo and 2,127 in Brazil.

据Weather Source网站记录,过去48小时内,安哥拉发生了6902起火灾,而刚果民主共和国和巴西分别发生了3395起和2127起火灾。

Over the last 48 hours, Zambia placed fourth on the list, while Brazil’s neighbor in the Amazon, Bolivia, placed sixth.


▲More Fires Now Burning in Angola, Congo Than Amazon: Maps (via Bloomberg)

图 via Bloomberg


According to NASA, which operates the Aqua satellite, over 67,000 fires were reported in a one-week period in June last year, as farmers employed slash and burn agriculture to clear land for crops.


▲More Fires Now Burning in Angola, Congo Than Amazon: Maps (via Bloomberg)


As of August 16, 2019, an analysis of NASA satellite data indicated that total fire activity across the Amazon basin this year has been close to the average in comparison to the past 15 years. (The Amazon spreads across Brazil, Peru, Colombia, and parts of other countries.)


▲Fires in Brazil (via earthobservatory.nasa.gov)

尽管如此,巴西总统博尔索纳罗还是决定派遣军队 控制火情。而在受到关注相对较少的非洲,火灾将如何发展,很难被外界知晓

“Forest fires exist in the whole world,” Bolsonaro said on Friday, after EU leaders threatened economic sanctions on Brazil. Still, the Brazilian leader has evidently deemed the problem serious enough to send in the army, deploying troops to prevent more deliberate blazes and combat further outbreaks.


In Africa, it’s more difficult to know what’s happening, as next to no news reports on the fires in Angola and the DRC have surfaced in the west. No hashtag campaigns or mass demonstrations have broken out, and the issue has not been placed on the G7 leaders’agenda.


▲Wildfires scorch Africa but world’s media stay focused on Brazil’s blazes (via RT)

图 via Bloomberg


文:Du Qiongfang

资料:RT, Bloomberg, earthobservatory.nasa.gov



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