
2019-02-04 16:50 环球时报GlobalTimes


下面这个看起来精神又慈祥的奶奶名叫林兰 (音译),今年73岁了。

(图 Nick Otto via Washington Post,下同)



而这些菜,当然都是妥妥的中国美味 ……


不仅如此,女儿还会拍林奶奶做菜的样子。 还会邀请林奶奶在做菜时当着镜头的面聊聊天, 比如这是啥菜,怎么做,有没有什么趣事儿等等……



Despite what her daughter tells her, Lan is not convinced that any of Lisa’s followers actually watch her videos.

“Don’t you think it’s weird that people like watching an old lady, and hearing an old woman’s story?” she asks.→ “要真有人喜欢看个老阿姨絮絮叨叨才奇怪吧,你不觉得吗?”

▲The 73-year-old Chinese Instagram star giving fans a taste of home – and a sense of belonging (via WP/SCMP)


结果,奶奶 没想到的事情 发生了……

Nevertheless, first-, second- and third-generation immigrants across the United States have rallied around the videos her daughter Lisa, 32, films as she cooks traditional Chinese dishes with her mother.

结果,全美国各地第一、二、三代的移民们 ,都围过来看 32岁的Lisa拍的她和母亲一起做中国菜 了。

▲The 73-year-old Chinese Instagram star giving fans a taste of home – and a sense of belonging



As she cooks, she explains the recipe in Taishanese, the dialect she grew up speaking in Taishan, a city in south China’s coastal Guangdong province. Lisa leans over her mother’s shoulder, recording the video on her phone.

林奶奶一边做饭,一边用台山话解释着菜谱。 台山是中国南部沿海广东省的一座城市,她就在那里长大。女儿Lisa倚在母亲肩上,用手机录下了这段视频。

“I asked my mom how much rice is in here, and she said seven cups,” Lisa translates. “But she apparently used this cup to measure it.”

“我问妈妈这里面有多少米饭,她说有七杯。” Lisa在视频里翻译道。“显然,她是用杯子来测量的。”

▲The 73-year-old Chinese Instagram star giving fans a taste of home – and a sense of belonging


但对于他们怀揣着中国记忆的长辈来说,却是一下子就戳到心坎儿 了。



They watch Lan’s videos for a sense of belonging, a reminder of grandmothers still in China, dishes they have not eaten since childhood, recipes they never thought to learn before moving across the world.

他们通过看林奶奶的视频来寻觅一种归属感 ,一种对远在中国的祖母的牵挂 。看着视频,他们能想起那些童年后就没再吃过的食物,以及在移居去世界各地之前从没打算学的菜谱。

▲The 73-year-old Chinese Instagram star giving fans a taste of home – and a sense of belonging


林奶奶在ins上的粉丝们 ,也会时常在林奶奶的图片视频下面留言 。


Gillian Der, one of Lisa’s followers, could not believe what she was hearing when she first came across a video of Lan and Lisa chattering in Taishanese as they shaped and fried sesame balls.

Lisa的一名粉丝名叫Gillian。当她第一次看到林奶奶和女儿一边炸麻球、一边用台山话聊天 的视频时,她简直不敢相信自己的耳朵。

“It meant so much that when I was watching those videos and seeing her make this food with her mom, I was also hearing these familiar sounds that I grew up with,” she says.



Der, 22, was born and raised in Toronto, and only heard Taishanese spoken in her own home. “Growing up, I didn’t have access to amazing cooks like Lisa’s mum, or even my own grandmother,” she says.

另一名粉丝Der,今年22岁,在多伦多出生长大。之前她只在自己家里听到过台山话。 “而且,长这么大了我还从来没见过做菜做得像Lisa妈妈这样棒的人,就连和我奶奶做得一样好的都没遇到过。”

“Now I can go to Lisa’s account and watch these videos and see her learning, and it reflects my own learning. When I hear the language and when I see the beautiful food that those two make, it feels like home.”

“现在我可以去Lisa的ins上看视频,看她跟着她妈妈学做菜。这让我也想起了我自己学做菜的时候。看着她俩做着美味佳肴,听着熟悉的方言,我就像在自己家里一样。 ”






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